Mount Pleasant Art Society
Heading 5
Section One
This organization shall be known as the Mt. Pleasant Art Society.
Section Two
The purpose of the Society shall be to further the interest of artists in creative art by it's programs, workshops, and exhibits. To develop fellowship among the artist of the area: and to create public interest in the significance of the various creative art media.
Section Three
In the event MPAS disbands in the future, all property belonging to MPAS will be donated to the Fine Arts Department of Northeast Texas Community College in Titus County, Tx. Property includes: Willow Oak Art Center & Gallery at 5059 FM 1402, Mt. Pleasant, TX ; any monies left in bank accounts at Pilgrim Bank, North Branch, Mt. Pleasant; Stock investments at Edward Jones, Mt. Pleasant; and the permanent collection of art work either on paper, canvas, or any framed art work donated by visiting artists, will become the permanent property of NTCC and should be displayed in the same manner as the Caddo collection of artifacts or the Biggers Mural panels of art work and cannot be sold or donated. It is the society’s wishes that this collection by many well known artists from all over the United States be enjoyed by all and is for public display in our local area. This collection is documented by photos kept in the bank box at Pilgrim Bank, North Branch, Mt. Pleasant, TX.
Section Four
The building is scheduled for use every third Monday and every Tuesday by a group of oil painters. The building is scheduled for use every first and third Friday of the month by a group of watercolorists. Application by our members can be made to the Board of Directors, subject to approval by the Trustees, to use the building for a fine art class on a day that is not scheduled by another art class.
Section One-Classification and dues.
There shall be seven classes of membership with annual dues:
Active & associate $ 35.00
Family $ 45.00
Donor $ 25.00-49.00
Contributor $ 50.00-100.00
Sponsor $101.00-299.00
Benefactor $300.00 & up
Other: Honorary No charge
Section Two-Active and associate member
1. Anyone interested in fine art is eligible to be an active member of the Society.
2. Active, associate, and family members shall have voting privileges and are eligible to serve in any office.
Section Three
1. All persons or organizations interested in the promotion of the arts shall be permitted to join the Society as Donors, Contributors, Sponsors, and/or benefactor members in accordance with their subscription.
2. Such members shall not have voting rights and shall not be eligible for election to any office.
Section Four-Honorary members
The Board of Directors may grant honorary membership to any person who has made a significant contribution to the Society.
Section Five-Payment of dues
1. The fiscal year shall begin June 1st through May 31st. Dues paid after January shall be half of annual fee
2. The Board of Directors shall set the amount of the dues.
Section One-Membership meetings
Membership meetings shall be held the first Sunday of each month September through May at 2:00 pm except on holidays-when the meeting will be held the following Sunday.
Section Two-Quorum
A quorum shall be one third of voting membership enrolled.
Section Three-Voting
A majority vote shall determine the action on a motion or recommendation at a membership meeting. Each member shall have one vote.
Section One-Government of the Society
The Board of Directors shall be the governing body of the Society to manage the affairs. The President of the society shall be the Chairman of the Board.
Section Two-Membership of the Board of Directors
1. The members of the Board of Directors shall be the officers of the Society, the Chairmen of all Standing Committees, and the immediate Past President.
2. The Standing committees shall be: program, membership, workshops, membership show, By-Laws, reference material, building, social, publicity, newsletter, and historian.
Section Three
The quorum of the Board of Directors to transact business shall be five (5) members.
Section Four-Voting
The majority vote of the members present at any meeting of the board shall be sufficient to conduct the business of the Board.
Section Five-Meetings
The Board of Directors shall meet when called by the chairman at the time and place designated.
Section Six-Tenure
The tenure of the members of the Board of Directors shall be one year. All members may succeed themselves
Section One-General function of officers
The officers of the Society shall be President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer and Webmaster Administrator.
Section Two-Term and Succession
The term of each office shall be one year to begin June 1st. All officers may succeed themselves in office.
Section Three-Appointments, Nominations, and Election of Officers
The President shall appoint a committee to nominate officers for the ensuing year. The election of officers shall be held at the April program meeting from the list of nominees presented by the nominating committee and from nominations from the floor. Each candidate having a majority vote of attending members shall be elected to the offices. Officers elected shall be introduced at the May membership meeting.
The tenure of the members of the Board of Directors shall be one year. All members may succeed themselves
Section Four-Meeting of Officers
The Officers shall meet at a time and place designated by the President. A quorum shall be three officers. A majority vote shall determine actions at officers' meetings.
Section Five-Vacancy
A vacancy of an office, except the office of President, shall be filled by unanimous action of the remaining officers and ratified by the Board. The First Vice-President shall become President upon the vacancy of the President.
Section Six-Duties and Responsibilities of officers
1. PRESIDENT-Chief Executive Officer, provide leadership to the officers and members, preside at all meetings of the officers, the members, and the Board; to prepare an agenda for each meeting,
appoint chairman of standing committees; create committees deemed necessary, to serve as ex-officio member of each committee.
2. FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT-Act as Chief Executive Assistant to the President; Assume the duties of the President in his/her absence or inability to serve, serve as chairman of program committee.
3. SECOND VICE-PRESIDENT-In the absence of the President and the First Vice-President, prepare the agenda and preside at the meeting as President; perform such duties as assigned by the President, prepare the yearbook.
4. SECRETARY-Prepare and keep record of each meeting of the board of directors, of the officers and of the meetings of members, maintain up to date records of the Society.
5.CORRESPONDING SECRETARY-Shall write the correspondence of the society.
6. TREASURER-Have charge of all funds and financial records of the Society; make necessary disbursements for the business of the Society by check; have records and books available at each meeting for reports at meeting of Board, the officers and members, prepare and present annual printed report in May.
7. CHAIRMAN PRO-TEMPORE-In the absence of the President and Vice-Presidents, the President shall appoint an active memberto act as President during his/her absence.
8. Webmaster Admistrator-Maintain and keep the website updated, respond to e-mails, and prepare and send newsletters.
PROGRAM-The First Vice-President, as Chairman of the Program Committee, shall arrange all programs, meeting places.
MEMBERSHIP-It is the duty of the Chairman to accept all membership applications and present to the Board; keep an updated membership roll in cooperation with the Treasurer; is responsible for additions and deletions to the yearbook by the members.
WORKSHOP Chairman-Arrange for artist to conduct workshops in various art media during the year. Coordinate with the artists' schedules directions, etc. for the enrolled members and collect the fees set by the Board.
MEMBERSHIP SHOW Chairman-It shall be the duty to confer with the President on members of committees needed; develop the plans for the annual membership Show and collect the fees.
BY-LAWS-The Chairman shall make recommendations to the President and the Board of changes which need to be made in the by-laws; advise the President on correct procedure according to By-Laws; act as Parliamentarian at all meetings using Roberts Rules of Order as a guide for procedure.
BUILDING-Committee of seven members shall be responsible for determining needs, obtaining bids, and make recommendations to the Board for improvements that are to be made. Three members of the committee shall be replaced each year keeping a majority who are informed on what has been done and what needs to be done to improve and maintain the building, shall plan events to raise funds to meet expenses of building needs and payments.
SOCIAL-Arrange and assist all social events of the members, provide opportunities of all members to assist in serving as hostesses and providing refreshments at meetings. Hostesses set up for meeting clean up before and after meeting. Welcome new members and greet guest.
PUBLICITY-Responsible for preparing the news reports of the Society activities, as well as making the announcements of these events.
NEWSLETTER-Prepare and send monthly newsletter to the active members as a means of communication to keep them informed of activities of members and activities of the Society.
HISTORIAN-Keep in an appropriate manner all written or printed materials that document the activities of the Society and its functions as well as the Art Center.